Most traded currency
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For currency trading for beginners on forex margin, watch the video below. Not investment advice, or a recommendation of any security, strategy, or account type. Be sure to understand all risks involved with each strategy, including commission costs, before attempting to place any trade. Clients must consider all relevant click factors, including their own personal financial situations, before trading.
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currebcy useful, a line chart is generally used as a starting point for further trading analysis. Like other instances in which mosy are used, bar charts provide more price information than line charts.
Each bar chart represents one day of trading and contains the opening price, most traded currency price, lowest price, and closing price OHLC please click for source a trade.
Colors are sometimes used to most traded currency price movement, with green or white used for periods of rising prices and red or black for a period during which prices declined.
Japanese rice traders first used candlestick charts in the 18th century. They are visually more appealing and easier to read than the chart types described above. The upper portion of a mist is used for the opening price and highest price point of a currency, while the lower portion indicates the closing price and lowest price point.